Recensione "We will destroy your planet-An Alien's Guide to Conquering the Earth" di David McIntee
Enjoy this pseudo-nonfiction, 'how-to' military handbook for aliens intending to conquer the Earth. Science fiction elements are satirized and then connected to real-world science, history, and military technique to show how it should be done.
It goes without saying that any military campaign must be planned in ways depending upon some basic factors: The logistics of where your enemy is in relation to your own forces, environmental factors, and, most importantly, 'why' you're fighting this campaign. This book intends to take these basic factors, and apply them to the purpose of conquering the planet known to the natives as Earth.
There are, of course, many possible reasons for launching a military campaign against such a planet. The form of your campaign, and the formation of its strategic and tactical policies will very much depend on your reason. Obviously the campaign to destroy all sentient life on a planetary surface will be very different in character to a campaign to, say, bring the local population into the fold of your empire or federation - and, frankly, a lot simpler.
Once the reason for conquest, or destruction, has been determined, the book will take a step-by-step approach to the best way to annihilate humanities resistance and bring them to their knees.
Non leggetelo. Sappiate che lo sto recensendo per il vostro bene, perché non voglio che abbiate a soffrirne come me.
Allora, sulla trama c'è scritto (e l'ho anche evidenziato in giallo canarino) SATIRIZED, cioè satirizzati.
Sul libro, questo particolare manca. Gli elementi scientifici sono tutto fuorché satirizzati: mi sono trovata praticamente a rileggere il mio testo di astronomia di seconda liceo!!
E' orribile prendere un libro, farti delle aspettative e vederle distrutte così miseramente per colpa di una trama misguided. Uffa.
Non leggetelo. Non è affatto quello che dice di essere. Se invece siete in seconda liceo e avete bisogno di ripetizioni di scienze, leggetelo, ve lo consiglio.
*1 asterisco. Pietoso. Solo perché mi piace l'astronomia.
Very disappointed Nilla
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